Logo Planner.

Welcome to the start of something beautiful.

This is the most important part of the process & involves a little bit of work from you. This form helps you think about what you want in terms of the logo design. It also will create the brief we will design your logo from. So please take your time. Try & be specific, we rock at designing logo’s, not so much at reading minds. Help us make your perfect logo.

Save this page, & only start the form when you are ready. The form doesn't save your progress, so have a look through before you start.

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Try and keep it short and catchy. We recommend not using a tagline in the actual logo as it may upset the balance, and instead, including it elsewhere such as your business card/website/etc
Try and explain, in a nutshell, what your business is about.
Think about demographics, age range, etc, try and describe your typical client.
Try to be as specific as you can. Let us know how many colors to use. let us know what colors you want, you can providing specific #codes or URLs to examples below, if you have them.
Is there a color you cannot stand? Or one you do not see fit to match with your personal taste/style?
Pick the type of logo you want to see in the concepts: (You can pick up to 4)
*** These are quickly generated exmaples, not actual logos.
Pick styles of logos you like, that you want to see in your logo: (You can pick up to 5)
*** These are quickly generated exmaples, not actual logos.
If there is a style of logo you like that isn't listed above, please let us know, or even better provide an example (send to our email, or paste the links here) Or let us know if we have creative freedom.
Let us know of any specific imagery in mind, an example would be "Include a pink cat" Or my business is about carpentry, so any imagery that relates.
Please paste the url's of the examples above, or send them after submission to our email: [email protected]
If there is anything you don't want to see in your logo, let us know. For example you might sell dog toys, but you don't want a dog paw in your logo.
Anything you feel we do not cover above, let us know here. If you have any specific ideas for your logo, let us know.
Please confirm you have filled in the form the best you can. We do not issue refunds if a client doesn't like the initial ideas. In theory, they are based on the above info. Please double check the info is correct & you haven't missed anything. Refunds are only available if we really mess up & don't follow your brief.
You can see our refund policy in the link below the form.
* All payments are made securely, using the paypal or stripe credit card payment gateways. No private information or Credit Card information is stored on our site.